Equipment: Technical Tips
Did you know that Tea preparation has some key equipment to help you to prepare the perfect cup of tea? Learn about some key items and their role in serving a great experience to your guest.
1. Water

3. Timer

2. Tea tip

Recipes: Tea Three Ways
We have some simple yet exciting recipes to help you create a perfect cup of tea, to a tea cocktail for your guests. Learn how to make 3 versions using one simple yet delicious tea variant.
Passionate Gin & Tonic

Earl grey spring party


Green tea temptation

Green hot tea temptation


Camomile calypso

Serving: Types of tea to serve during the day
Do you know what is the best tea type to serve to your guest during the day, listen to our tips and you could provide your guest with a surprising yet memorable experience. We have tips to help you provide the right tea variant for the time of day!

Our Serve : Perks of OUR perfect serve
At The Tea Company BY UFS, we want to help you to provide a great tea experience for your guests, learn about the Lipton and Pure leaf range of Tea variants available, and the supporting tea serve, guaranteed to surprise and delight your Tea Lovers.
Lipton Perfect Serve