Gain inspiration for healthy dishes through recipes from chefs and food operators in Southeast Asia
Describe the taste, texture and nutritional value of this dish.
I really love the kimchi bowl because it has a well-balanced combination of sweet, sour, and spices. The vegetables are also rich in textures — some creamy and some crunchy. Of course, kimchi is highly nutritional. It is a good source of probiotics for our digestive system.
What are the biggest challenges in cooking the dish?
I feel that not everyone can appreciate kimchi for its sour, fermented flavour, but I’m determined to change that. The combination of the Korean Fried Cauliflower and sweet gochujang sauce makes it easier for people to embrace kimchi.
What are some key ingredients that go into this dish?
We use brown rice and gochujang sauce for the fried rice, with the addition of kimchi and fried cauliflower. We then top it off with free-range sunny side up egg and some pickled cucumbers.
What is your recommended cooking methods?
Firstly, in a pan, sauté onion, garlic, and kimchi. Add cooked brown rice and gochujang sauce. Cook until the sauce coats the rice evenly, and then set aside. Next, dip cauliflower florets in your desired batter and fry in a 375oF fryer for 3-5 minutes. Place the deep-fried cauliflowers and sunny side up eggs on top of the kimchi rice. Don’t forget to also add some pickled cucumbers and a healthy dollop of kimchi.
What are some tips on sourcing for key ingredients?
The best way to get fresh ingredients is to visit farms and engage with the farmers directly. They are the key to fresh ingredients. I also advise people to keep an adequate stock of perishable ingredients so you can replenish them daily to maintain their freshness. Also, try to deal with at least 4-5 farm partners to keep the supply steady.
What is your recipe creation thought process?
Healthy organic dishes should be as flavorful and satisfying, if not more than their non-organic counterparts. That way, people will be more enticed to try healthy food. We also constantly try to maximise ingredients that are in season to preserve the nutrients of each ingredient. Keeping a lookout for upcoming global health trends is also important to keep our recipes relevant to the masses.
Can you share some cooking process and advice?
I personally believe that chefs should always taste every dish before putting them on the plate. We constantly train and monitor cooks’ practices and avoid assuming that everything will turn out alright. From my experience, it’s good to always double check.
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